The Latest Poll Results...

The latest poll had asked readers if SAG should make it harder to join 55% said no while 44% said yes. My opinion is they should make it a "tad" harder and from the last background meeting SAG had given in April it sounds as they are going to do so. What that exactly means we would have to wait and see, for those that joined SAG recently congrats! For the people that are looking to join I would do so before the rules change. As always please direct your attention to the right for the new poll.


Anonymous said…
This is a interesting poll and it makes me want to follow up with a question for those who voted yes. Why do you think it should be harder and what do you think it should involve that makes it harder?
Anonymous said…
So instead of 3 vouchers people should have 10? It's hard enough to get the three!
Anonymous said…
I think it should be based on begging and sexual favors.

Just joking of course, this strike has got you guys uptight.
Anonymous said…
All potential members must pass through the Casting Couch!

This is really sad. The people already in SAG want to block others from joining. Sounds like immigrants in the USA who don't want other immigrants coming!
Anonymous said…
I would hope that if some took the time to vote and said yes it should be harder, that there will be some posts as to what that should consist of.
Anonymous said…
I think all new SAG members should undergo a SAG training course in addition to their vouchers. They will become better members.
Anonymous said…
Was there talk of grandfathering people who are currently eligible, but not members?
Anonymous said…
I'm really surprised that there aren't any real comments left with opinions about how it should be harder. If you think it should be harder, what should be added or changed?

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