It's getting pretty dry out here, something we are not used to

Sorry it has been a few days since my last blog, but I must saying this blog has been pretty lively as of late. Mass. has gotten a little dry other than ashcliffe and surrogates everything else is gone, as if it was a dream. Let's just hope this feeling does not last and we get a second wind for the rest of 2008. I know with strikes looming things might get stale but I hope that is only temp. Some people have asked me what do I think about the studios coming here? I love it and I hope that it happens, but it's up to the politicans. I know that there are protests, and petitions, etc. But one thing I know is that the "power of the people" is in a weak state right now, it is really to the higher ups. Remember when it comes to the top dogs they want to know what's in it for them, it's all about money sometimes. All we can do is shout and inspire the movement, but unless your hat is in the ring your a nobody to some of these people.


Anonymous said…
There are always some independent projects out there - look on ne film,, all the networking sites... they may not be the feature films we have been spoiled with lately - but it is something :)
Anonymous said…
Aftra is trying to be competitive with SAG and get bigger by being the cheaper deal. Only problem is all the A-list actors belong to SAG and that won't change. I'm not saying Aftra is bad, I'm just giving the reason for their low pay rates. Make your own decision as to how good of a union it is. Me personally, I'd like the higher pay please.

If the industry gets hurt by another strike you can blame the producers for not giving a fair and just contract. Don't blame SAG for wanting to get properly compensated. It's a game to the producers, they'll wait out a strike because they're wealthy. As time goes on they're thinking maybe SAG will buckle to the terms we laid out for them, but if not they'll make the fair deal they've been trying to avoid. Unfortunately, they can wait it out for a while JUST LIKE THEY DID WITH THE WRITERS because they have money and projects they've rushed production on just in case there was a strike.

What I suggest if there is a strike is to take classes, write, work a job in a different industry until it blows over. It won't be forever so use the time wisely. I do realize there are people willing to work for damn near nothing just to keep working but we can't let them hender us. We have to fight for what is fair. You can't expect something worthwile to be easy. It wasn't easy to get women's rights, to abolish slavery took 400 years! So keep in mind we're fighting for a way of life. You want to act for a living and pay all your bills without having to be a celebrity, that's what this contract is about.

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