Everyone is rushing to finish their movies.

According to a report heard today it seems that many film and television productions including Scorsese's "Shutter Island" are rushing to finish their projects. The reason for the rush is the supposed SAG strike in a few days, I really hope this does not happen. My question is what happens to films like "surrogates" will that just shut down? Because that movie is slated to film here until August. If there is a strike lets hope it's quick. Hopefully Gov. Patrick's trip to Hollywood was effective and we can count on more pictures coming here.


Anonymous said…
I had read that we could continue to work (at least for a while) without a contract as other unions sometimes do.
Anonymous said…
A strike will hurt not help struggling SAG actors.
Anonymous said…
It'll hurt in the short term, help in the long term, if a strike is neccessary.
Anonymous said…
There will be no strike! People don't have the stomach for it coming off the heals of the damage of the writer's strike. In the end SAG will be the one to suffer.

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