The curtain is begining to close...for now.

All films have either wrapped or are wraping except for "The Surrogates" which a lot of people have not worked on because of specifics they are looking for. Now at the end of the month we have the strike that could either be good and end quickly or do some serious damage for future projects. So lets refelect on a great first part of the year and lets hope and pray for a just as great second half. But in the meantime you serious actors out there piviot yourself towards theater. Because any artist can tell you in any field of the arts "there is never any completion in training in the arts". There is plenty of work summer stock, summer theater, etc. Anyone can walk across the screen or be a party guest, or be a cop, etc, etc, etc. But theater you are thrown into the fire and that's true acting, that is if you are serious about this craft.


Anonymous said…
Take some classes as well!
Anonymous said…
ugh, got called for the surrgate...but missed the call by 3 days :(

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