Prince of Providence coming this August..

It seem if everything goes right (hopefully no strike) this August will host two major pictures The Edge Of Darkness and The Prince Of Providence with Robin Williams. I believe LDI will be casting for Prince but that is not official yet. I also had heard that if a stike does happen this project will not be affected, so I assume that is good. I will keep you informed in reguards to future


Anonymous said…
There will be NO strike. People are wising up to the selfish A list clique.
Anonymous said…
off topic I know BUT before I forget, The restaraunt was Callus!
it came to me in a dream last night,Lol.
And it was great to see you on set this week... great time as always!
much peace to you!
Anonymous said…
How many times do I have to come on here and explain this to people. The A-listers could care less about the new contract. They are stars and command huge sums of money no matter whats in the contract. The strike would be for working class actors who are not stars! The ones who get paid based on contract minimums. And the owner of this blog can vouch for that, it's common knowledge! Would you people do a little research! Please! Some of you make me want to go work for a studio and help them screw you over, since you don't care.
Hey Jen,

Thanks for the info:) Now we know! I will pass it along to the others. It was nice to see you also on set. Best of luck and we will be in touch. :)
Anonymous said…
I agree that it has very little to do with the A-Listers. Here's an example and I know it's involves gaming versus actual film but it's connected. Look up the story about the guy who is the voice of the main character in the new Grand Theft Auto game. He's not that big an actor and got SAG scale. The rates added up to him making like 100,000. Now that's a lot but under the current SAG contract, there are things that should be updated that he is losing out on. The game made 500 million in the first week. 100,000 seems like peanuts in comparison I think. There are actors making significantly less than that too and are missing out on money because of how things are. It's not greed, it's seeking what's fair and to update things to match the times.

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