Portions of the SAG strike my be resolved sooner than later.

What I have heard as of late is that the upcoming strike might not be as long as some people are projecting. Certain aspects have already been cleared. So, with that being said it might no be as long as a process as the previuos writers strike. I think that strike did so much damage that SAG probably does not want to go down that road but we will see.


Anonymous said…
I don't know but AFTRA just rejected another deal from SAG stating that if they hold off their ratification to vote in the new contract that any improvements SAG makes on it in it's negotiations with the AMPTP would be given to them automatically without further negotiation with the AMPTP. AFTRA sucks in so many ways! They have this no that's too much money for an actor to make kind of attitude. Who wants to belong to a union like that? I think AFTRA itself is profitting from negotiating lower rates for it's members. Something just isn't right with them.
Anonymous said…
I belong to AFTRA and SAG. I am proud of both unions. AFTRA in this case seems to be more sensible. Imagine the damage to the industry if SAG goes on strike. The damge from the writer's strike will soon be felt. In the long run the filmmakers will go for non-union over union. Reality shows will have a field day.
Anonymous said…
So who's fault was it that the writers had a strike? The greedy business men who didn't want to pay up. Same situation with SAG, they'll be no strike if the suits would just pay up. It's not the strikes thats causing the damage to the industry, it's the greedy business men in expensive suits that LOVE money and want to keep it all. If the filmmakers went all non-union then no stars would be working and hollywood would make no money. And reality shows will never take over. AFTRA is horrible, I hope they enjoy thier 3 cents raise.
Anonymous said…
Im guessing someone here will be able to answer this. I have been wondering this since I heard of a potential strike. If SAG were to strike, would that mean that movies would start casting non-union actors as well as tv shows hiring the same? As someone who isnt union this would be a good thing correct? Im assuming the people hurt would be the union folks? Or is the situation such that if SAG strikes no new mories and/or tv shows are made besides reality?
Anonymous said…
Current deal points on the table, which Rosenberg said “were not achieved in the AFTRA deal,” are:

--more cost-of-living increases, such as the first mileage reimbursement increase in 30 years.

--the prevention of non-union new media productions.

--the right to consent to, and profit from, product integration.

-- payment of pension and health benefits on top of, instead of deducted from, DVD residuals.

SAG members are holding a solidarity rally at their headquarters in Los Angeles on June 9.

Anonymous said…
SAG sounds like it is trying to blacklist dual members. Those who belong to SAG & AFTRA.
Anonymous said…
BEWARE any news stories you read; half the crap coming out of L.A. is biased by a few SAG board members who hold a grudge against the rest of the country that is taking business away from L.A. actors. It is a specific contingency that backs president Alan Rosenberg - they call themselves Members First, one of those evil names that sounds harmless and good, to mask it's real purpose: To keep all movie production in L.A.
As for the AFTRA contracts -- the MF group basically has a negative knee-jerk response that anything about AFTRA is bad. These people - the MF'ers -- are not about deception and outright lying. They are trying to abolish decades of efforts to merge the two unions. They want, instead, for SAG to be the only union - but more than that, they want SAG to promote what's good for L.A. actors and whatever will hurt actors elsewhere.
Anonymous said…

meant: These people - the MF'ers -- are not ABOVE deception and outright lying.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tip. Why should L.A. have the film monopoly! Wisen up SAG members vote against the strike!
Anonymous said…
It's not about anything AFTRA being bad. It's about how they WILLINGLY ACCEPT LOW BALL OFFERS AS PAY RATES! And thats what makes them bad. Leave the low pay rates to the non-union people. Some non-union pay rates are higher than AFTRA's! If you're already a member of AFTRA good luck to you, please run for office and demand rates that equals SAG's or better.

The trying to keep work in L.A. scenario I'm not sure about. Could be some truth to it I guess.
Anonymous said…
L.A. is losing business to New England, New York and Georgia! Of course they want it back.

But I agree why should L.A. have the monopoly? I am a New England actor and thrilled that I no longer have to think about moving to L.A. in order to get film work!

If that's all they want is to protect their monopoly. Bump em! And when they ask for a strike vote I'm saying NO because I want to continue working!
Anonymous said…
The A listers need their own Union. They can afford to go long periods without working, plus they get paid more than we who get the basis rate! I know that I need to work! I also will vote against a strike!
Anonymous said…
If there is a strike it won't be for the A-listers. They don't need to strike with all the money they make. It's for the struggling actor who needs a union to ensure proper compensation. If we have to strike to recieve proper compensation I'm all for it.

If there is a strike go work in an office, restaurant, store, post office, start a business, whatever! This is not L.A. you guys act like you've never done anything besides act. The suits want you to have that defeated attitude. Striking is sometimes a neccessary evil for for the greater good. And your pay checks will reflect that once it's over.

But I guess I have to realize alot of people are ok with getting short changed as long as they can buy a sandwich. PLEASE, there is so much more to life than a sandwich.

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