Debates are to be debated not cursed at.

This blog is meant to inform, educate, and at times be controversial. I had put an blog yesterday in regards to the opinions of how SOME new sag members treat other people on the set ( and I am not saying the old don't do it. I just hate it either way when I and many more see it.) Now with that being said I don't mind criticism to myself or even debates I find them healthy, but what we got was a Firestorm of a war on both sides of the subject. To the point there were very harsh words between to unknown commentors, at that point I did the best thing and pulled the whole blog out. Now I will say this once and that's it if we raise a subject to debate it should be healthy and we should see all sides. But the moment I see a threat or a very ugly exchange you will be kicked off. I don't care about criticism, everyone is entitled to their opinions. But the things that are brought up on this blog are from the new and from the old that approach me and tell me what's on their minds, and both side are pretty on the dot. So we talk about them here, just trying to make everyone happy :) With that being said have a nice weekend and go Celtics!


Anonymous said…
very well said! maybe our responses should not be anonymous anymore? that way if someone has something to say then they should not be afraid to show their identity.
I can start and reveal mine.
Anonymous said…
Hey dude, are you afraid of being called out? Seriously you put down your fellow SAG actors, not nice at all.

But I respect you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Anonymous said…
He's not afraid of being called out. He's just trying to keep this blog classy with some kind of regulation. People can't just come on here throwing out profanities and threatening others like it's nobodies business. This is not a wild wild west blog! It's no wonder hollywood thinks extras are animals! You guys are sure enough acting like it!
Anonymous said…
I commented on that entry the other day. Although I said I agreed with both sides in some aspects. Such a shame to see that it got that out of hand that people were throwing out curses.
Anonymous said…
I looked in and saw that someone called the blog owner, 'Hardcore Snob'. Considering what was written in the blog putting down new SAG members and extras I thought that wasn't too offensive. Did it get worse after that?
Yes it actually did and there should be no reason to threaten and another person as to "knowing all their information" that's not right. So I was asked by the person that got the threat, to investigate it a little further through blogger and see who this person actually is. The hardcore snob quote, anyone in this business that knows me would tell you I am one of the most down-to-earth people in this community and all I do istry to help. I don't have an posse, I'm not a star, I don't have my own dressing room, etc. etc. So thanks anyhow to the person that said, it's very nice of you.
Anonymous said…
I've personaly worked with the blogger on set for a few days and well...never got that hardcore snob vibe! In fact he is a realy great person and very easy to work with~
I have a blog and I often receive threats because of what I post. It's part of blogging. It's sad see people making threats. Keep it up though I love your insight in the industy.
Anonymous said…
Wow how sad -- interestingly enough, in a way, this bad behavior reflects what is happening on movie sets in boston. On the recent poll here, i voted that Yes it SHOULD be more difficult to join the union - there are too many extras trying to be famous quickly, and they dont' want to learn about acting, and they don't know their place as extras. It gives SAG, and all extras a bad name. Such as signing out and then arguing with the P.A. that since it is 8:02, not 8:00, you deserve an extra hour of pay. Yeah the world is full of a-holes.
Anonymous said…
OOPS sorry I didn't mean to start my own name calling...never saw the original posts, didn't mean anyone specific
Anonymous said…
Okay, I went to the Bride Wars Call in Weymouth. All the SAG extras went to the front of course. Then in came a group of newbie SAG. Believe it or not they walked up to the front, without their paperwork and said, we're SAG! Well the other SAG folks said, "WE'RE SAG TOO, SIT DOWN!" The newbies shrank like wilted flowers! Grant Wilfley told them that they had to fill out their paperwork first then go to the front.
Anonymous said…
I have lurked on this board and finally decided to comment. I have noticed a lot of comments, not necessarily from the blog owner, that are very rude towards extras and new SAG. Yes there are a few jerks out there who just want their 15 minutes, but I think for the most part people are nice and professional if you give them the chance. Sometimes someone will luck out and become eligible very quickly. It doesn't mean that person is unprofessional or unworthy, even if they are less experienced than the 20+ year members. One thing I resent is that any time someone is given a waiver, they are accused of "stealing" a job from a union member. Well excuse me, but all union members (unless they joined through AFTRA) have "stolen" a job from a union member three times as background or once through principal, which is how they GOT in the union in the first place. So why is it only the new or aspiring SAG that are accused of "stealing jobs"? I am sick of this elitist attitude. As a new SAG member, I am trying very hard to enjoy my membership yet not use it to flaunt in anyone's face or to put anyone else down. I hope other SAG members will think about what they have earned and be a little more gracious about it. Someone a little while back commented that you can "tell who all the non-SAG people are, because they are less professional." OH REALLY?
Anonymous said…
Yes, sadly the whole waiver concept is widely misunderstood. The reason they are given out is that there are NOT ENOUGH union extras for that day. The number of union versus non-union hires is hashed out ahead of time between the SAG office and the producers for each production before the film begins. Now if they need 100 people - and the contract says 50 have to be union rate (meaning either SAG or waivers for non union) they have to meet that quota or they will get a fine. On a given day if there aren't enough SAG members, the producers may need to give waivers in order to meet their numbers. I don't understand why this seems to be such a misunderstood and emotional issue.
Anonymous said…
On here I've seen some comments too that appear to look down on non-union and new union members. Does everyone forget that everyone has been there at some point? It's easy to forget where you came from. What's really professional is remembering where you came from and respecting those who may still be there. I've seen non professional behavior with union as well as non. It's the individuals who are problems not a generalized group. If you've been working for years and you stick your nose up to those who have been around less, you're no better than those new people or non union who may give some attitude themselves.

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