When it comes to entertaiment consultants please do your Homework!

It's always an exciting thing when something like the big movie boost happens to your home state such as us. So when that happens a lot and I mean A LOT of people want to get in on it. So like I mentioned a couple of posts ago that means not to start off with one of these "Mickey Mouse Agencies", you market yourself on your own. There are people there to guide you the right way, but these Legitimate people are few and far in between. These people are known as entertainment consultants that know the state's entertainment business inside and out for years. They are not the people that started in this business within the last couple of years and are self-proclaimed "experts". These people will build you in the right way also guiding you in the right direction all the while saving you a bunch of money, which is their mission. Their consultation is really 1 or even 2 sessions not more than that and after that they throw you in the fire giving you the expertise and knowledge that you know exactly what your doing. For those they really know the business and the goings on for the past few years that's ok but not good enough. You want to attract yourself to a person that has been around the block through the good and bad times here in Beantown. So, how do you find these people? Do some research by asking around, googleing, etc. and once you do find someone this is how you approach the meeting. First they are not interviewing you and if you feel as they are through the whole meeting...walk out, you are interviewing them. Second you need to be the smartest cat at the table bar none!. Ask them about there history, what have they done, how long they have been in the business, references, so on and so on, you must sound like a business person and if you don't bring someone that knows how to "grill people". At the moment you will know if you are wasting your time or not. After the meeting do not do a thing, thank them for their time and say "I'll think about it". After thinking about it then come back to them a week or two later and make your decision. Do not and I mean do not RUSH IT! you take you time and see if it is worth it and is he or she really there to help you. I had a consultant in the early 90's name Peter Souza he was based in Boston and he was by far a great mentor, and was there for me for anything. For that I respected him as a mentor and as a friend, so Peter Souza where ever you are, A BIG Thank You! for making me wiser in this crazy business that we all love! So I hope you guys are just as lucky to find someone out there that will give you the same respect, because as we all know that is earned.


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