The Truth Gets High Marks All Around! Fantastic Experience !
I just want to say I just did 3 days on "This side of the Truth" as a caveman. All I can say in doing this for almost 20 years, this by far was the best set I have ever been on. That might be big words but it is the truth. From the casting to the crew to the background we had a hell of a funny time working on this set. There have been other sets that have been pretty friendly but this one takes the cake. Everybody was approachable, the crew and the background got "in my eyes" along extremely well, something you usually don't see that often. The best part was after we wrapped we had an impromtu soccer match it was the crew (including Ricky) vs the cavemen. We lost 1-0 due to a goal from Ricky himself! Simply fantastic, please know great friends were formed and an amazing experience was made that will last in our memories for long time. Cheers Ricky and the crew and to all my fellow cavemen "UGH!, UGH!"