New Faces Being Used Only?

I just recieved an email from someone that was concerned that she had heard that certain casting directors are using only "New Faces". My response to that would be that would be untrue. The reason why I say that is if that was the case, each set you would go on would have a brand new crop of people, and that is not the case. What you do see is more of the same faces over and over again, plus there is a pretty big shortage to spread around on multiple projects. So no need to worry, all is well in the casting world, just because one doesn't choose you the other will.


Anonymous said…
I've recieved e-mails seeking "new faces", I believe what she is refering to is casting directors looking for extras that have yet to work on a project.
Anonymous said…
New faces are needed when multiple shots are being filmed that will overlap in the movie. Wouldn't it look strange to see the same "extra's" in one scene and in another that is supposed to be happning at the same time in the movie? Think about it. There is need to panic, there is plenty of work in this town, you may not get used today...but check back tomorrow....things always change in this business!!!!
Anonymous said…
I think there may be something to the original question, especially if you're union. I have answered many calls for availability and never hear anything. Could it be there are cost concerns and using 'new' faces is cheaper. Just a thought!
Anonymous said…
No, the cost has NOTHING to do with it. Each production has a budget and a number they must require of SAG and non-SAG people. The number of SAG people varies from production to production. With so many productions in the Boston area no audience wants to see the same people over and over in every movie made in Boston. There are some directors who want a "specific" look as well for some scenes. If they only want red head men and woman with freckles and blue eyes...that is a VERY specific requirement and sometimes that requirement is to go on to new faces.
Anonymous said…
I've received the same notices. She must have read it wrong. They don't need new actors just people who haven't worked the on specific movie before. Meaning a new face for that specific movie.
Anonymous said…
I think there maybe something in the post about non-union extras over Union. I have recieved checks for two films this year because SAG found they did not use enough Union talent(The Box,Tell Tale)
Anonymous said…
I'm SAG and sometimes it does seem that they try to use as much Non-Union over Union as they can.

Another thing is that when the call SAG you see the same faces.
Anonymous said…
The reason you see the same faces is there really is a HUGE shortage of actors in this town. Add in the fact there are several movies being filmed at the same time in this town so that is less people to work per film. This isn't NY or LA so the abundance of SAG members is much lower, there hasn't been just cause to join until recently.
Anonymous said…
Yes there must be a misunderstanding. I have never heard of anyone being shut out of a film because they worked on other films, that makes no sense. They often ask for new faces who have not worked on that one film yet, that is what happens, yes, since they can't have the same extras in scene after scene.
Anonymous said…
I too agree that the "new faces" mention means someone who "has not yet worked on (the film)" They wouldn't want to use someone one day and have them seen and then be filming another scene later on in a totally different place and the same person is there. The best way to avoid that is using people that haven't worked on it yet. But that's not always the case though. I've worked multiple days and scenes on things as have many others.
I don't think they try to go cheaper with non union either. They do need a certain number of union on set and usually have that. Waivers aren't extremely common and if they were then it would back up that arguement. But they aren't handed out like water.

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