If your new to this.. go to the vets.

When you work on a movie set the first time being on set it can be a overwhelming , scary but an exciting experience by far. The best people I always stay close to are the vets that have been around the scene. Now when I say vets I am not talking about people that have been doing this for the past 3 years, they are not vets. They are as new as you pretty much. The vets are the people that have been around 15+ years, they have the experience and the knowledge of past present and future and in most part know what they are talking about, and they make great mentors. Now I know, some of these vets might give you the cold shoulder, so if that happens "bleep" them and go to someone that would make a good mentor and learn from them. There is plenty. If someone that has been around for a few years and all they teach you is about themselves...walk away....please walk away, it's no good. So as they always say in most occupations learning hands on is the best way, and I agree with the right guidence.


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