It's not all about acting my friends.

The entertainment business is a huge business and if someone was to tell me that there is no work out there, well my friends you are not trying hard enough. There are plenty of jobs in the movie business but it's not all about acting. Do you want to be in the movie business and make it a full time career well look in other avenues (casting, crew, make up, locations, coaching, etc.) the list is long. The head of the film commission had said in a recent expose that there were "plenty of jobs and not many people to fill them". What! that amazes me. These jobs can I say are fantastic and I mean fantastic paying jobs, so if you have no reposnsibilities GO FOR IT! you can always do the acting thing on the side. Always remember one thing many people working behind the scenes were former actors. Start looking because you do not an I mean do not want an opportunity to pass you by, especially in a HOT market.


Anonymous said…
Yes the market is so hot right now. That is why I am frustrated at my inability to obtain work at a job I did for six years. I am a Teamster driver and I should be working. Anyway, I like this blog. It keeps me aware of what's out there. Don't forget grips & electric, set medics, construction, painters, set dressing, props, wardrobe, camera, PA's, hairstylists, craft service...
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why people are saying there are "plenty" of crew jobs here in MA and not enough people for the jobs. THERE REALLY AREN'T!!!!!!!!!! It makes me angry because this is so false. Anyway, I agree, this blog is pretty cool and I enjoy reading new entries!
Anonymous said…
Well the jobs that were here are drying up now because of the possible SAG strike. So for crew work it's no longer that hot of a market. All the films have been wrapping one by one and others won't come until the SAG issues have been worked out. There's about a month left before all filming on big studio projects ceases in MA and maybe internationally. The SAG strike is coming soon and will be bigger than Indiana Jones 4!
Anonymous said…
That's true, a few weeks back I was busy and even had to turn down work! Now there is nothing! I hope the SAG strike passes fast!

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