Want to say something or promote something on this blog.

If you are a professional in the relms of teaching, casting, photographer,event, etc. and you want to make an annoucement/promote or just want to post a postive issue or concern about the business please let me know. This blog reaches a quite a few readers and keeps growing each and every month, so if you have anything to get the word out this would be one of the best places to do it. Just e-mail me at bostonmovieextra@yahoo.com along with your e-mail and let me know what you want to include, we then will send you a co-author email, so you can post anytime you want. Let's contribute as much information to this community as we can, it's the mission of this blog.


Anonymous said…
question about IMDB - i notice sometimes background submits their names - are uncredited background work to be submitted by us?
Anonymous said…
If you submit yourself, the dude who runs this blog will ERASE YOU!
The point is if you do not have lines you should not be put on the cast list. The production companies are taking charge of that recently. To the previous comment I think that's a bit harsh :)
Anonymous said…
why and how to some extras get themselves placed on imdb - do the pay to do it? i have seen some on there
Anonymous said…
No you don't pay for IMDB listings. You are allowed to post if you have a legit principal role to list, that gets you entry.
Anonymous said…
Wow where did all the postings go? Is this blog censored if you don't agree with the site's webmaster? So much for a healthy disagreement on a topic. Scary!
My friend, we don't delete entries so I have no idea what you are looking at? Speak your mind and I will respect it. I might not agree with you, but I will respect it.

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