Reaction To Last Night's SAG Background Meeting

I heard last night's meeting went very well from the reaction that I have been hearing today. I wish I was there because I had a few questions of my own to present to the board, but I'm sure others had the same questions. I unfortunately wrapped late and I really could not have made it, if I knew it was going 4 hrs instead of 2 I would have. Over all the feedback was terrific and a lot of questions were answered but the question is when will they be put forth. If you did attend last nights meeting, do you feel that all answers were given or is there more smoke to be cleared?


Anonymous said…
I think that they did a good job answering most of the questions raised. The presentations were also good and informative. The important thing stressed is that we as SAG actors need to speak up when there are problems. They said that there was no need to fear intimidation or not working again.
Anonymous said…
this is an off topic question- can you place a film on your resume if you were hired but never made it to set?
Anonymous said…
Well if you didn't make it to the set, how can you prove that you worked on it? The answer is NO!
Anonymous said…
I agree that the answer is no. Your resume lists what you've WORKED on, not what you've been hired for. If you got hired at a job and didn't end up showing up, you wouldn't put it on your resume as a job. It's the same thing. It's about what you have actually done, not what you potentially could have done.
Anonymous said…
Back to topic please --
The SAG meeting was GREAT help. The wide array of topics addressed showed the problems that have to be dealt with. In my estimation a lot of them are caused by newbie extras trying to become famous quickly and not learning how to behave on the set. This dumps a lot of problems on the local SAG office staff to deal with as members call with bogus and overinflated "problems." It is up to more experienced members to help properly train these newbies, and that came through loud and clear at the meeting. We need to keep learning the rules, and make sure newbies do, if we expect the producers to keep filming here. If we keep whining about lame problems we are only going to scare producers away.

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