Today's Herald was interesting.

So today I am looking through the herald and I happen to be looking through the Inside Track. On that page they had this pretty long article in regards to extras and their treatment on sets. Which sets were good, which sets were not, how much money these sets spend and how they waste money on just "fooling around" etc, etc,etc. After I read that article I really just stood there and shook my head. Now I guess that stuff is fine to talk about through co-workers, but a major paper. That's a differnt story. I don't know if it was the way I was reading it but it really didn't paint a nice picture of things here in Mass. Now I don't know who they talked to, but it showed how novices they were "long hours, cooked up in a tent ,etc." To those that are new a say that type of stuff, suck it up. No one said this business was glamourous, it is a lot of hurry up and wait and those are the ropes. If you don't like it move on, do something else. This business is a love it or hate it business, and you can't please everyone.


Anonymous said…
Well it seems these fly-by-night hack writers, who think they are ace journalists, are very good at getting the first person they meet to blab, and that gets printed as the real news. As far as movie sets go, maybe this kind of dumb story is good for us -- to keep away the fame-frenzied extras who sign up with no acting experience and want to take photos with the stars, thinking they are on the fast track to fame now. Leave the job to us pros, thank you very much. (Oh by the way when anyone complains about long hours. . . you can tell right away that person is not a SAG member!)
Anonymous said…
I agree with you on when they complain you know they aren't SAG!

I agree with the article, we judge sets by the quality of food served! LOL! Mall Cops Food was awful, but TSOT was great!
Anonymous said…
It's true - i know as a member of SAG that I would love to reach Golden time - 16 plus hours.
Anonymous said…
I'm SAG and everytime I get called to the set I pray to hit GOLDEN TIME! It hasn't happened to be yet! BUMMER!
Anonymous said…
Georgia just passed a 30% percent incentive package for filmakers.
Anonymous said…
Hi, I would like to comment, my son Salvatore was on the set of the Proposal , I have to say of all the sets he has been on as an extra, princapal ect... the Pproposal was the best, my son had so much fun, everyone I mean everyone was wonderful and friendly, from staff to stars ,very professional, and made you feel very welcome! so we thank everyone from the PROPOSAL Michelle Santone
Anonymous said…
I'd like to take a moment and respond to some of the comments about being SAG. The impression given is that if someone complains, they aren't SAG. While it's true that some newcomers may complain about ridiculous stuff, some union people complain just as much about things.
It doesn't make anyone look good by looking down on those who haven't done it yet, have no acting experience and say "leave it to the pros". Some do complain and maybe they shouldn't come back. But I would never discourage anyone from doing it if they know how a typical day goes. Union or non everyone started with no experience. And unless you got into SAG via a principal role, you're no different than anyone else except you got a break by work the right day at the right time. There are plenty of SAG who have no "acting" experience. That's important to note. Remember where you came from and who you connected with along the way. Don't look down on those who follow the same path but may be earlier in their journey.
Anonymous said…
It is what it is. Every job has a good and bad side to it. If you love the job or career field you'll take the good with the bad. If you don't love it and it's not paying a whole lot anyway, then you need to stop complaining and keep exploring careers my friend. Then again some people love what they do but also love to complain. It's just how they are. The SAG bickering will never stop so I won't comment on that.

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