Changing Your Name...You Might Regret It.

People have asked me my opinion as to changing their actual name to a more "professional name". I really do not think it is a great idea because I had done it with my own name. When my agent at the time ie. 19years ago told me it would be more "marketable" because my last name is "too long" I took his advice....I was young and naive . Just know when you do such a thing you are branded with that name and if you decide to go back to your normal name years after, you are basically starting over. Which you do not want to do. Bottom line if you are good, people will remember your normal name, no matter how long , how weird, etc. Just think of some of current actors past and present and think how many elementary teachers butchered their last name. Arnie anybody :) Be who you are and be proud of it. :)


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