
Showing posts from May, 2008

It's not all about acting my friends.

The entertainment business is a huge business and if someone was to tell me that there is no work out there, well my friends you are not trying hard enough. There are plenty of jobs in the movie business but it's not all about acting. Do you want to be in the movie business and make it a full time career well look in other avenues (casting, crew, make up, locations, coaching, etc.) the list is long. The head of the film commission had said in a recent expose that there were "plenty of jobs and not many people to fill them". What! that amazes me. These jobs can I say are fantastic and I mean fantastic paying jobs, so if you have no reposnsibilities GO FOR IT! you can always do the acting thing on the side. Always remember one thing many people working behind the scenes were former actors. Start looking because you do not an I mean do not want an opportunity to pass you by, especially in a HOT market.

The Nothshore has become it's own little hollywood back lot.

Sorry guys it took me a few days to post but I have been trying to relax and I am busy at the same time. We are in our 8th year of our scavenger hunt business and "knock on wood" our busiest year to date, which is great. So that has got me pleasently busy. Back to movie world...what is happening to the North Shore Folks! I turn I see Bride Wars in Salem I turn the other way I see Proposal in Danvers I go to get a burger in Lynn I hearing Brucy Willis will be in Lynn in a day, out of all places. This is really cool North Shore!!! and the best is it's really cool for the local ecconomy. If the state could just see how this movie rush is helping, that alone should be more reason to up the ante on the credit percentage and the studios. Georgia 30%!!!, New York 30%!! Let's get moving MASS!!!!!!!

Today's Herald was interesting.

So today I am looking through the herald and I happen to be looking through the Inside Track. On that page they had this pretty long article in regards to extras and their treatment on sets. Which sets were good, which sets were not, how much money these sets spend and how they waste money on just "fooling around" etc, etc,etc. After I read that article I really just stood there and shook my head. Now I guess that stuff is fine to talk about through co-workers, but a major paper. That's a differnt story. I don't know if it was the way I was reading it but it really didn't paint a nice picture of things here in Mass. Now I don't know who they talked to, but it showed how novices they were "long hours, cooked up in a tent ,etc." To those that are new a say that type of stuff, suck it up. No one said this business was glamourous, it is a lot of hurry up and wait and those are the ropes. If you don't like it move on, do something else. Thi...

Favoritism in Boston?

Matt S. wanted me to post the answer to his his question and the answer is some people are favorites to certain agencies. Is that fair? Of course not but it has been happening for ages. My opinion is everyone should get a crack, because the "no-one" my just be better than "the favorite" remember most dark horses win races. So to my "non favorite" friends, push the envelope and market yourself the correct and suttle way where you do not become annoying. Because remember everybody this is a small city and annoying names get remembered, and that is not a good thing. Remember if you really want it, you can become it no matter what the occupation. Want to make a note that I will having a 4 to 5hr seminar based on this blog this summer that talks about getting ahead in this business with a no holds bared type of way which is how this business should be presented. The correct presentation of how to start or be in this business is what should be delivered,...

Guys, you are sending emails to the wrong person.

Good afternoon everybody! Just want to make a small note as to my e-mail address. For some reason most of you either think I am Jodi Purdy or you have reached her casting agency. I don't know who gave my address out claiming I am her, so my e-mail is full with people requesting work. I wish I could give you all work, but first I am not her and second we are not a casting agency. As far as my e-mail goes, sure e-mail me with the questions, comments, etc, the usual stuff. thanks and please spread the word.

New Faces Being Used Only?

I just recieved an email from someone that was concerned that she had heard that certain casting directors are using only "New Faces". My response to that would be that would be untrue. The reason why I say that is if that was the case, each set you would go on would have a brand new crop of people, and that is not the case. What you do see is more of the same faces over and over again, plus there is a pretty big shortage to spread around on multiple projects. So no need to worry, all is well in the casting world, just because one doesn't choose you the other will.

The recent poll that was given on this Blog..

After 19 days the survey read "what is your union affiliation" and most of my readers are either non-union or just fresh SAG members. I was amazed at the the numbers of current vet SAG members, where are you guys?! To my the new people that just got in the business and the new SAG players, welcome. To the new SAG members, remember honor the membership do not abuse it and always seek a mentor that has muchmore experience than yourself you will learn a lot. If you abuse the membership and go around saying "your SAG and you can do whatever you want" remember this community is small and you will make a bad representation of yourself especially with people you will be working with many times over again. Enjoy it and respect it. To my non-union players, welcome aboard in this exiting time and learn hands on how it is on these movie sets. It is the greatest lesson, DO NOT get suckered in photoshoots, classes, agencies, etc. do your homework and keep most of your mo...

Learn a monologue right NOW!

Look we all want the job but nothing says prepared for an audition more than having a monologue at a moments notice. It doesn't matter what kind... comedy or drama, you will know which one fits you best. The reason why it's good is because if you go to an audition and at some uncalled for moment the casting director asks "do you have a monologue prepared?" and you respond "yes!" Not only does that make you look prepared but most importantly.. professional. So after you read this blog run out and buy a book on monologues today and memorize the one that fits you best. Have a nice weekend!

Are future films in jeporady because of looming strike?

That is a question really no one knows and is asked quite often. If there is a strike and it does last as long as the writers strike does, that will be a problem. But let's hope everything gets resolved by next month so the ongoing traffic of movies continues here in our very cool state. strike,

The Truth Gets High Marks All Around! Fantastic Experience !

I just want to say I just did 3 days on "This side of the Truth" as a caveman. All I can say in doing this for almost 20 years, this by far was the best set I have ever been on. That might be big words but it is the truth. From the casting to the crew to the background we had a hell of a funny time working on this set. There have been other sets that have been pretty friendly but this one takes the cake. Everybody was approachable, the crew and the background got "in my eyes" along extremely well, something you usually don't see that often. The best part was after we wrapped we had an impromtu soccer match it was the crew (including Ricky) vs the cavemen. We lost 1-0 due to a goal from Ricky himself! Simply fantastic, please know great friends were formed and an amazing experience was made that will last in our memories for long time. Cheers Ricky and the crew and to all my fellow cavemen "UGH!, UGH!"

"Lightkeepers" to Hyannis This August

The Lightkeepers,” a romantic comedy starring Martin Sheen, Blythe Danner and Chris O’Donnell, just got greenlit and cameras will roll on the Cape in August. No casting agency has been announced but I will let you know the moment it arrives.

If your new to this.. go to the vets.

When you work on a movie set the first time being on set it can be a overwhelming , scary but an exciting experience by far. The best people I always stay close to are the vets that have been around the scene. Now when I say vets I am not talking about people that have been doing this for the past 3 years, they are not vets. They are as new as you pretty much. The vets are the people that have been around 15+ years, they have the experience and the knowledge of past present and future and in most part know what they are talking about, and they make great mentors. Now I know, some of these vets might give you the cold shoulder, so if that happens "bleep" them and go to someone that would make a good mentor and learn from them. There is plenty. If someone that has been around for a few years and all they teach you is about themselves...walk away....please walk away, it's no good. So as they always say in most occupations learning hands on is the best way, and I agre...

Want to say something or promote something on this blog.

If you are a professional in the relms of teaching, casting, photographer,event, etc. and you want to make an annoucement/promote or just want to post a postive issue or concern about the business please let me know. This blog reaches a quite a few readers and keeps growing each and every month, so if you have anything to get the word out this would be one of the best places to do it. Just e-mail me at along with your e-mail and let me know what you want to include, we then will send you a co-author email, so you can post anytime you want. Let's contribute as much information to this community as we can, it's the mission of this blog.

Make sure you don't commit to two casting directors at the same time!

We have to all know that we are all lucky to be in this business in the first place. So obviously we get excited when we get called from a casting agency looking to book us for a gig. But when a casting director books you for let's say 3 days 2 weeks from now, you are booked with that agent. Do not double book with another agent if they want you for the same 3 days because "you would rather work on that project". You work on the one you committed on first and kindly say to the second agent"thank you but I am already booked those days, but please don't forget about me because I am interested." You will be respected and in this business it goes a long way, if you don't respect it that also goes a long way.

When it comes to entertaiment consultants please do your Homework!

It's always an exciting thing when something like the big movie boost happens to your home state such as us. So when that happens a lot and I mean A LOT of people want to get in on it. So like I mentioned a couple of posts ago that means not to start off with one of these "Mickey Mouse Agencies", you market yourself on your own. There are people there to guide you the right way, but these Legitimate people are few and far in between. These people are known as entertainment consultants that know the state's entertainment business inside and out for years. They are not the people that started in this business within the last couple of years and are self-proclaimed "experts". These people will build you in the right way also guiding you in the right direction all the while saving you a bunch of money, which is their mission. Their consultation is really 1 or even 2 sessions not more than that and after that they throw you in the fire giving you the exper...

Sets Get The Thumbs Up!

After looking at the recent poll that was taken this past week, everyone except one person feel that the treatment on sets have been great! I agree with that result very much because like I had mentioned in a previous post the crews, sets, etc have been terrific and continue to do so. So to those crews and all the people that are involved... Thank You Always You Guys Are GREAT! As always thank you for those who voted, now please direct your attention to the right with our new online poll.

Reaction To Last Night's SAG Background Meeting

I heard last night's meeting went very well from the reaction that I have been hearing today. I wish I was there because I had a few questions of my own to present to the board, but I'm sure others had the same questions. I unfortunately wrapped late and I really could not have made it, if I knew it was going 4 hrs instead of 2 I would have. Over all the feedback was terrific and a lot of questions were answered but the question is when will they be put forth. If you did attend last nights meeting, do you feel that all answers were given or is there more smoke to be cleared?

Don't Listen To The Radio....

Have you ever been in a situation where you are driving and you suddenly hear this ad "Want to be in movies? Major casting agents from WB, MGM, etc, etc are going to be in town...etc, etc" First of all don't pay attention and change the channel!!!!! It is a SCAM! These so called "agencies" are there to pray on "dreamers" with glamour and putting stars in their eyes while blinding people and their parents. They will make you do these way overpriced classes and photoshoots, and who loses in the end is..... YOU! Obviously they always win. The best way to promote yourself in by doing Gureilla Marketing by submitting your headshots to projects and casting agencies. It is much cheaper and it is direct, but please do not get sucked in on these "hotel agencies" scams, you and your wallet will regret it in the end.

SAG Background Town Meeting

My fellow SAG brothers and sisters please try to make your best attempt to attend the SAG background Town Meeting. It will discuss contracts, conditions and much more that deal with our everyday actions on these sets. So if you can make it, please do so and make your voice heard.

Great Sets, Great People, Great Time!

I have to say that lately I have been so impressed by all the current sets that are filming in the State. What is so great is that most of these sets are very upbeat and enjoyable to work on. Productions like "Ghosts", "Proposal", and "Truth" to name a few are really great experience by far. The crews are nice the people are nice,so what else can you ask for when you are working on these 12+ hr sets. The worst thing about this business is when you get comfortable on a particular set, make some great friends and eventually you have to move on. You form some sort of family (not to sound corny)with these people and that makes it pretty special. Currently I have been working on The Proposal this past week and have made friends with some great individuals Jen , Jen, Dominick, Clayton, and my Greek partner in crime Angelo. We have been a team for the past week and a strong one to say the least on this particular scene we have been filming. Sometimes it...

Changing Your Name...You Might Regret It.

People have asked me my opinion as to changing their actual name to a more "professional name". I really do not think it is a great idea because I had done it with my own name. When my agent at the time ie. 19years ago told me it would be more "marketable" because my last name is "too long" I took his advice....I was young and naive . Just know when you do such a thing you are branded with that name and if you decide to go back to your normal name years after, you are basically starting over. Which you do not want to do. Bottom line if you are good, people will remember your normal name, no matter how long , how weird, etc. Just think of some of current actors past and present and think how many elementary teachers butchered their last name. Arnie anybody :) Be who you are and be proud of it. :)