
Showing posts from 2009

Studio might be down..but not out. we got the bad news this week that the studios in Plymouth lost it's funding. Ok that is bad but I have a feeling that it might turn around quicker than one is to think, but we will have to wait and see. Once the news got out... some people were acting as all of hope is lost...are you serious?!? have you not seen what has happened to the state in regards to the film business in the past 4 years?!!? We are not doing all that bad, the studios weren't here when the huge and current flow of films continue to overflow our NE area/market. If anyone out there remembers the distant past we would be lucky if we had a film here for over a week...for the YEAR! At that time the constant project that was going on was in the late 80's which was "Spencer For Hire". Now the studios I believe will happen, because I strongly believe that they have great focus on the future of this project and MA is very Hollywood friendly as of late. There is not only one investor ou...


For those that might remember, in the late 80's early 90's there was something called the Actor's Trade Show. It was held annually every spring at the tremont house across the Wang Center in Boston. At the trade show you had everything from casting agents, photographers, acting coaches, sag, you name it. So for 2 to 3 hours you would be submitting headshots to casting directors, networking with fellow actors and industry professionals and so much more! But all of the suddenly it stopped... I thought it was a genius idea because you can do everything in just one whim. So maybe with the resurgence of Hollywood in Boston, maybe the higher ups might consider doing it again. Just a suggestion :)

People taking pictures on set..

This is starting to become a big problem on set as of late. As we all know when we start a job we are specifically told no cameras, among other things. This happens prior to booking and we are reminded prior to the working day. We all know that because it is just given that we know what the rules are. Now the conterversey is people are snapping shots of actors while on set while we are working. That is a huge no-no, but even more so those people are taking those shots and putting them on facebook, myspace, and twitter, that's just not smart. This is because the people that hire you and tell you the specific rules on set are also "your friends" on these social networks and now you are caught "red-handed". So be know clearly when you are on set you are working and they (the film) are expecting you to act professional. Remember you represent yourself and more so the acting community of NE.

Don't take specific acting classes for a possible job..Do it for the training..

This has been going on for a very very very long time over 20 years that I know of personally and that is actors taking acting classes at specific locations to get a job from them. That is a myth to say the least, I am not saying not to take those classes but do not spend your money going there thinking that you will get a acting job from them guarenteed. Why I find this funny is that people get "pissed" because they spent $300 + to take acting classes from a particular casting director's agency and they did not get a JOB from them. Are you kidding me?!?! Take those classes if you like, they are very good but don't think they going to offer you a role on a silver plate. They might notice you and offer you an audition or two but the rest is up to you. Some people complain about the stupidest things..the bottom line is you are taking classes to extend and expand your craft,the rest is up to you. Think of it this way you own a business, you train yourself to get the ...

I don't think I have to explain this..

I just heard this morning of a person being thrown off set for suggesting something to the director of all people. Guys and gals we know what the rules are and we all obey them, but sometimes a first timer might get overly excited and do the unthinkable. To the person that was thrown off, let it be a lesson..I know these people(directors, actors,etc) are human but on sets these people are untouchable.

Do NOT double book yourself...

First of all glad to seeing most of you on current sets lately..glad you are enjoying this blog. I apologize that I haven't been too frequent with it, but I will do my best to inform you. The subject to today's blog is simple and apparently is becoming a problem on sets lately and that is people double booking themselves. Look...there are A LOT of jobs lately in this state and we should all be grateful that we have this great opportunity, so there is plenty to go around. But when people double book you give birth to two problems.. One. Your reputation to casting directors.. If you have a night shoot on one night and the next day you have booked yourself on another project with a call time of 5am and you are still working on that got a problem. Most likely you will be sleep deprived and won't show or you simply can't because your on another set. This causes the casting agent to be short on their numbers and also makes them look bad. So guess who's n...

A Recent Article Not Really Nice To Extras..

Ok. So here is the story Wicked Local an online news site for New England visted the set of Furry Vengeance last week. The reporter worked as an extra for a day and wrote his thoughts about it, now a lot of people that read it really go offended. But to be honest being in this business for almost 20 years and a lot of people that have worked on these sets for a long time would probably agree to most of the article. Look I know to some of you it might have offend you because it's how you make a living but if you read this and say that the article is not at least 50% true, then you have not been in this business for too long.. Many will say that background extras are the living aspect of the scene and I COMPLETELY agree. But to some of the higher ups on these sets (not all) we are nothing but filler. I have seen some crew members in my past 20 years treat background like crap, and no one deserves that. On the other hand there have been sets that all the crew has been FANTASTIC a...

My thoughts about traveling from state to state for extra jobs..

I just got this email today asking me what my thoughts were about traveling from MA to NYC for extras jobs... My answer was unless it's a speaking's not worth it. If you have a bit part, going for an audtion, or have an actual paying all means go. Unless you have a place to stay it's not worth it to travel 3.5 hours to work as an extra for an avg of $120 to $300 depending on how the day goes. Because lets say you went to NYC worked as an extra and only worked 8 hrs..(it happens) and then drive back to MA or NH (buying gas,eating, coffee, etc.) what did you profit in the end. Bottom line stay in MA there is plenty of work to go around either way of the spectrum (non-union / union).


Hope all is well in N.E. movieland! The subject on today's blog is about Rule 1, what is Rule 1 you may ask.. If you are Union (SAG/AFTRA) this is one of the first things that they tell you about..Rule 1 means you can not work on a non-union project. Now I know through the years people have done it..sure I get it.. But lately it has been abused to the highest level, and on top of it some Union members are makeing it known. Now for those people that is a HUGE mistake...why? Because you will tick some Union people off that are by the book and you will be reported, so watch out. For those people that are thinking about becoming union I say to them do a lot of non-union jobs to get the experience, the feel of the set, make a good demo reel,etc. before you sign on to become union. Once you do sign on ,there is no turning back. SAG within the last 12 months has been doing as massive crackdown on this abuse in LA and NY and I am sure it will hit here sooner than later. So honor th...


So here we are July 8th 2009 and it feels like September...what is going on?!? It will feel like summer soon I promise :) Well the great news is that we are all busy once again and it's great to see many familar faces on set! It's as if we were on a very long hiatus and it suddenly became 2006-2007 again! We got Furry Vegence, The Town, Grown Ups, The more down the pike..does this look familiar? Remember I don't care if you are union or non union you have to show up for these calls and if you can't send in your headshot..don't be too good for background! The more we show Hollywood how united we are it's always another incentive to come here. Background people are needed and are a very important piece of the puzzle. Think about it if it wasn't for background each picture even classics would be dry as bread. So it's nice seeing you all and talking movies and plus thank you for the nice comments and emails about the blog and podcast.

New Boston Movie Extra Podcast is up For June!

Talking about the latest in the world of film and more here in NE!

A Message To Stage Parents: Listen To Your Kids..They Might Not Like This Business

Look I am a parent and I see certain things in my son that says that kid's has talent. Not in this industry but possibly in construction and oddly enough cooking. Even though I might see it and I can make him recognize it, it doesn't mean I am going to force it on him if he doesn't want to do it. When it comes to this it's annoying issue. I was on a set not too long ago where it was just a typical long day. There were kids ranging from 10 to 15yrs old, and they really didn't get to work until the 9th hour per say. Now in the morning it was all exciting that they were on a movie set, and all that stuff. But eventually they got bored and wanted to leave, the parents were not having any of that. Sad. The parent indicated they they were to stay and wait no matter how long it takes because you are "talented". This kid was so upset that it caused a huge scene. Eventually someone finally spoke up and just said "don't force the iss...

Joining the union? Yes or No?

I get this question a lot the truth is it depends on you. I would say if you want to get a lot of experience with non union work and not get paid that well, that should be step one. Once you feel that you are ready and you become a "must join" for the union, go for it! Remeber once you are union, no more non union jobs.. It's not allowed. Being union has it's perks better money, possibility of insurance and pension, etc. But....don't think you will be raking in the big bucks at the start unless you are really lucky, most actors making some great money in the union body here in New England is 2 percent. Take your time and enjoy:)

Camera Dodgers have got to take it easy..

Now camera dodgeing has been going around for years, but I think it should be looked at pretty closely. What is camera dodgeing you may ask? It's when during the scene of a movie while filming some background actors dodge the camera so they are not established in the scene just to earn another day on the set. Now that is not right by any means, because you are taking someone else's spot that has not yet worked on the project and I really find that no fair to your co-workers. If you are established in a scene that's it..unless less the casting director, director says otherwise. Look I know to a few of you this is your full time job doing extra work on many projects and that's great but when your time is up on a project..your time is up. When that happens your are giving another person a chance to work, and that's the bottom line. Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!!

Dropping AFTRA....

I had a recent email asking me my thoughts on dropping their AFTRA membership, my answer is don't. I have been a proud member of both sag and aftra for the past 20 years and let me tell you I wouldn't dump my aftra membership at all especially now and I will tell you why. First yes I do use my sag card more than my aftra but as you might have noticed their have been some recent pilots that have come by that have been "aftra only" Second with the new studio coming in Sept 2010 and is estimaing around 900 comercials a year, I wouldn't dump it for anything. To some people the AFTRA card might be meaningless but I don't think that will be the case in the next 24 months..

Bring Back The Actors Trade Show!!

For those that may remember back in the early 90's there was a tradeshow specifically geared to the film / theater industry this time of year. It was a fantastic 3 hour show that consisited of casting directors, classes, photographers, unions, and so much more! It was such a great resource for everyone involved from the businesses to the talent and I think it should be something that should be brought back. Unfortuneately it died with everything else in the late 90's and has yet to resurface. So to the MFO and SAG/AFTRA let's try to bring it back this trade show in this really hot market.

Don't say your in the movie until you see it first..

The golden rule I would say to one's self is don't say that you are in a movie until you see the final cut. You can say you worked on a movie that's fine, but unless you see yourself in the film don't say a word. I once knew this guy that I worked with last year for 3 days straight and would constantly talk about this particular film he was in and worked on it for a long time, and stood next to such and such, and he was featured etc, etc you know the drill.. Well after talking about this for hours to more than a dozen people, he was becoming annoying. Well low and behold I watched this film a couple of months ago and he was NO WHERE! A couple of days ago I worked with him again along with a couple of people that were there (at the other set last year). Once he saw us he just came up and said "You can't say your in the movie if your not in it" All we said was "exactly" Hey we have our good days where we have face time and there other times ...

More Acting Network Get Togethers Planned

From what I am hearing and the talk on a couple of sets lately is there will be a couple of new networking get togethers for all things movies in New England. The one that everyone knows about is the successful Shindigs that happen monthly but I guess the more the better. If you have not attended one of these network get togethers you should, it does bring the film community together.

Company Men Experiences..

It's getting exciting around here folks, starting with "The Company Men". So if you have worked on this project share your experiences on the film. Have a great time my fellow boston actors!

Many Scams Out There...

I am simply AMAZED at how many scams are out there today when it comes to our hobby/occupation. I have challenged these "agencies" for years and for those of you that know me know I do not stop when it comes to exposing them. So again if you are required to pay in order to be a part of an agency "stay away" this is as compareable to a pyramid scheme. They play on people's emotions that do not know how the business is run and suck them dry.. So please, please, please buyer beware!

Big Screen Boston

Iwas just in a borders bookstore today and as I was leaving I saw a book which I should have picked up called.......oh my god I forgot! Great, I will let you know when I find out the title, but it's all about movies that have been filmed in boston! It is such a great book because it tells you about all the movies that have been filmed here and all the hub bub that came along with the productions. I should have picked it up but I was in a rush, skimmed right through it and I was like WOW! I can't believe I forgot the title but it was something like backdrop boston or something like that, when I go back to that book store and pick it up and let you know the title.. It would be a book I am sure all of you will love. I REMEMBER It's "Big Screen Boston" PICK IT UP!

Gorilla Marketing to film jobs...

Hello all! First of all I want to say a huge thank you for those who enjoyed our new weekly podcast, I'm glad you all enjoy it. So today I got an email indicating that person claims there is no work in film,theater,crew, etc. My reply is that that is incorrect.... There is plenty of jobs you just have to look harder. I know there are constant auditions going on for commercials, industrials, short films, student films, etc. What you need to do is some gorilla marketing for yourself aka "beating the pavement". If you don't do this as in with any other business you will see nothing, jobs do not fall from trees. As far as crew..criegsli, tv studios,etc. Granted they might not be high paying jobs but your getting your foot in the door..

Boston Movie Extra Podcast

Today we are launching our weekly podcast for you to listen to. The podcasts will consist of hot topics that this blog has been getting in the past year and a half and talking about them. We will also have special guests in upcoming shows to share their thoughts on the industry here in New England. Other subjects will talk about local film news, castings, scams, classes, jobs and much more. It is well worth the listen, thank you for your continueing support and I hope you listen weekly.. The Boston Movie Extra Podcast link

Studios...Studios..We might be surrounded by more!

I know the ecconomy right now is in an all time LOW.. But we must say we are fortunate as to what is happening in our industry here in Mass. First of all Plymouth Rock Studios is just amazing, a first for the industry, and most importantly will bring aprox. 2000 jobs into the state. Second...Weymouth.. this has been quiet as of late but I truly believe that this will be a green light in the near future and if it does get it...stand back NY! There is also rumor about Stoneham and othe possible locations in MA for "mini studios" which is also so another bright spot. So with that being said lets start looking towards the future because the light at the end of this tunnel is going to be very bright.

It's starting to be a breath of fresh air!

Besides the weather which is getting better and hopefully we don't get any more snow, how about the film business?! The film business which was looking a lot like the mid to late 90's just jumped back up from a slump. As you can see from yesterday's blog and the constant rumors on new projects coming in, things are looking good. The Governess and The Fighter seem that those two big project might be shelved at the moment but I think we might see them come to light in the near future. Plus you need to keep in mind with the success of Mall Cop that brings in an attraction from Hollywood, on the other hand if we had a series of flops well that would be another story. Always remember there are plenty of jobs behind the camera also, so I think in the end we should be ok.

Here Comes The Work!

Today Boston Herald has given a breath of fresh air according to the production schedule for MA. How about "Landslide" with Adam Sandler and his usual suspects including Mr. Kevin James. Read all about it !

Your Film Tax Forms Are Coming...

Someone just asked me, when film tax forms are coming? As like anything else they usually come in around now. Keep in mind track down how many projects you did in 2008 and when the form comes in look at and see if it is via one film or more. The reason is one company might be representing multiple films. So by the end of this month all should have been sent.

The Massachusetts Film Job Fair Last Week

I just read an article that the Ma film office offered a Film Job Fair last week in Boston, which I think is excellent! With the studio opening in Plymouth and the surge Ma will be getting in the coming years this is excellent news and should boost the economy. Foir those who attended what was your experience like, tell us about it.

Massachusetts Film Office losing money from potential strike!

A couple of days ago the head of the Ma Film Comission has indicated that the state is losing money from the potential SAG strike that is either happening or going to happen. He also stated that there are 5 films slated between May and August and possibly 12 ready to go when they get word. He also mentioned that there are plenty of scouting going on right now for these potential films. This obviously doesn't sound good (the losing money part) and is slowly killing work for everyone behind and in front of the camera. Let's hope that this strike if it happens is quick..

The SAG Wrap Party

Once again the annual Wrap party will be happening at the end of this month and if last year was any promises to be a blast. If you did not attend last year it is highly reccomended you do. The reason is it is for two reasons one for seeing friends again, and networking. So if you can make it, go before it sells out!

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I was in my car today and I noticed an ad for "proscout interviews" happening soon here in Ma. They are trying to tell people to come in for an interview with "america's top casting agents" This my friends is a scam...for those who remember Faces International this is by far no different. They will make you buy high cost pictures, classes, and much more. You can get a better education going to cp or boston casting for a far better price and from legit instructors. So if you know anyone that is going detour them from this.. It's like the old saying goes if it sounds to probably is..