So here we are July 8th 2009 and it feels like September...what is going on?!? It will feel like summer soon I promise :) Well the great news is that we are all busy once again and it's great to see many familar faces on set! It's as if we were on a very long hiatus and it suddenly became 2006-2007 again! We got Furry Vegence, The Town, Grown Ups, The Fighter..plus more down the pike..does this look familiar? Remember I don't care if you are union or non union you have to show up for these calls and if you can't send in your headshot..don't be too good for background! The more we show Hollywood how united we are it's always another incentive to come here. Background people are needed and are a very important piece of the puzzle. Think about it if it wasn't for background each picture even classics would be dry as bread. So it's nice seeing you all and talking movies and plus thank you for the nice comments and emails about the blog and podcast.


Anonymous said…
I have worked on Grown Ups 4 days, non-union, with another day scheduled in august, what a great crew to work with!!

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