Hope all is well in N.E. movieland! The subject on today's blog is about Rule 1, what is Rule 1 you may ask.. If you are Union (SAG/AFTRA) this is one of the first things that they tell you about..Rule 1 means you can not work on a non-union project. Now I know through the years people have done it..sure I get it.. But lately it has been abused to the highest level, and on top of it some Union members are makeing it known. Now for those people that is a HUGE mistake...why? Because you will tick some Union people off that are by the book and you will be reported, so watch out. For those people that are thinking about becoming union I say to them do a lot of non-union jobs to get the experience, the feel of the set, make a good demo reel,etc. before you sign on to become union. Once you do sign on ,there is no turning back. SAG within the last 12 months has been doing as massive crackdown on this abuse in LA and NY and I am sure it will hit here sooner than later. So honor the privledge and don't screw it up for yourself or others, we are all in the same boat here in NE.


Anonymous said…
I have seen it too, it is mind-boggling. Not only acting in them but actually producing them. I hope this means they get kicked out of SAG!

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