Big Screen Boston

Iwas just in a borders bookstore today and as I was leaving I saw a book which I should have picked up called.......oh my god I forgot! Great, I will let you know when I find out the title, but it's all about movies that have been filmed in boston! It is such a great book because it tells you about all the movies that have been filmed here and all the hub bub that came along with the productions. I should have picked it up but I was in a rush, skimmed right through it and I was like WOW! I can't believe I forgot the title but it was something like backdrop boston or something like that, when I go back to that book store and pick it up and let you know the title.. It would be a book I am sure all of you will love.
I REMEMBER It's "Big Screen Boston" PICK IT UP!


Anonymous said…
do you know what movie is currently filming on beacon hill, i saw the state house lit up and they were filming with a crane on beacon st
Anonymous said…
I believe it is the television pilot See Kate Run. They have been filming there since Saturday.
Anonymous said…
And it was COLD!! I was part of that rally scene outside the statehouse last night!!!

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