Here Comes The Work!

Today Boston Herald has given a breath of fresh air according to the production schedule for MA. How about "Landslide" with Adam Sandler and his usual suspects including Mr. Kevin James. Read all about it !


Anonymous said…
Hey dude please stop taking it upon yourself to delete our credits!
Do you have any news on the Spielberg 'Lincoln' project?
Anonymous said…
The only one that can delete imdb crdits is imdb or production itself. (we know this from the box) I really can't see how the blog owner can unless he or she is mr or mrs imdb themselves.
Anonymous said…
Well if you are posting credits for yourself as an extra, that in itself goes against the IMDB terms of service. Extras are not to be listed anywhere, only people who are in the credits. Look it up.
Anonymous said…
Oops! I think you mean "Lakeside"

Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the info! This blog is great!
No, I wasnt't talking about Adam Sandler's film 'Lakeside'. I heard that Spielberg had scouts up in Taunton looking for locations to shoot the film, Lincoln about President Lincoln.

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