The SAG Wrap Party

Once again the annual Wrap party will be happening at the end of this month and if last year was any promises to be a blast. If you did not attend last year it is highly reccomended you do. The reason is it is for two reasons one for seeing friends again, and networking. So if you can make it, go before it sells out!


Anonymous said…
how do we buy tickets? I haven't heard anything from the branch.
Anonymous said…
I just bought my tickets yesterday..I look forward to seeing you there!
Anonymous said…
Isn't it the Mass Film Office wrap party? also - is it just a mingling event - wondering if it is worth going to - - plus it is too bad we are always paying for these things - I know NYC has more members - but it would be nice to have free events once in a while - like NY does - with all the money we pay for membership - thanks
Anonymous said…
Nevermind, I finally got my invite 2 weeks after everyone else.

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