Do NOT double book yourself...

First of all glad to seeing most of you on current sets lately..glad you are enjoying this blog. I apologize that I haven't been too frequent with it, but I will do my best to inform you. The subject to today's blog is simple and apparently is becoming a problem on sets lately and that is people double booking themselves. Look...there are A LOT of jobs lately in this state and we should all be grateful that we have this great opportunity, so there is plenty to go around. But when people double book you give birth to two problems.. One. Your reputation to casting directors.. If you have a night shoot on one night and the next day you have booked yourself on another project with a call time of 5am and you are still working on that got a problem. Most likely you will be sleep deprived and won't show or you simply can't because your on another set. This causes the casting agent to be short on their numbers and also makes them look bad. So guess who's not getting any future calls for any movies? Most likely you :( 2nd. You are cheating out your co-workers, by double booking you are clogging up space that could be available for another person. Don't do will be found out and you will gain a rep which no one wants. As much as someone does not like a "ball bog" that doesn't pass the ball on the basketball court..same holds true in this business.


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