A Recent Article Not Really Nice To Extras..

Ok. So here is the story Wicked Local an online news site for New England visted the set of Furry Vengeance last week. The reporter worked as an extra for a day and wrote his thoughts about it, now a lot of people that read it really go offended. But to be honest being in this business for almost 20 years and a lot of people that have worked on these sets for a long time would probably agree to most of the article. Look I know to some of you it might have offend you because it's how you make a living but if you read this and say that the article is not at least 50% true, then you have not been in this business for too long.. Many will say that background extras are the living aspect of the scene and I COMPLETELY agree. But to some of the higher ups on these sets (not all) we are nothing but filler. I have seen some crew members in my past 20 years treat background like crap, and no one deserves that. On the other hand there have been sets that all the crew has been FANTASTIC and treat the background like gems, it's luck of the draw. We do what we do because we love it and we love the business, but it is what it is and that is......showbiz :)

Here is the article to judge yourself


Anonymous said…
I am a SAG actor and don't see how this is offensive. In fact I think it to be accurate of 90% of all sets I have worked on.

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