Don't take specific acting classes for a possible job..Do it for the training..

This has been going on for a very very very long time over 20 years that I know of personally and that is actors taking acting classes at specific locations to get a job from them. That is a myth to say the least, I am not saying not to take those classes but do not spend your money going there thinking that you will get a acting job from them guarenteed. Why I find this funny is that people get "pissed" because they spent $300 + to take acting classes from a particular casting director's agency and they did not get a JOB from them. Are you kidding me?!?! Take those classes if you like, they are very good but don't think they going to offer you a role on a silver plate. They might notice you and offer you an audition or two but the rest is up to you. Some people complain about the stupidest things..the bottom line is you are taking classes to extend and expand your craft,the rest is up to you. Think of it this way you own a business, you train yourself to get the jobs to support your business and then after your focus is for your business to get bigger and better jobs..the same holds true for the life of an actor.. there is no FREE LUNCH!


Jeffrey said…
Yea but CP casting really doesnt hire you unless you pay for their stinkin classes or know them for years. They are really tough to work with. Actors are starting to resent them because their casting calls are a joke publicity stunt.
JaneR said…
Gee I wonder where people would get the idea that they have to pay CP for classes to get a job.

"Note that by enrolling in a class at The Studio, no guarantees of employment are made or implied by C.P. Casting. (...but, you never know what might happen around here!"

You all are crooked as all hell!!!
Anonymous said…
I've never paid for a damn thing at CP Casting, showed up to the open call for "The Town" back in July and have worked twice for them since, on The Town and The Social Network. I don't think they'd waste hours of their time, meeting hundreds, maybe thousands of people as a joke publicity stunt.

Maybe they would, though. What do I know anyway?
Anonymous said…
Funny, you supposedly worked on the 2 shows and your afraid to leave your REAL name Bull shit!!!
CP casting and all of the other people who call themselves agencies in Boston are A-Holes. You don't get work from them unless you spend money on there classes!
They hold bogus "open calls" to build up their Data base, so they can email you their class schedules.
Then they can turn around and sell your emails for profit! Wake up People!! Boston is a long way from becoming East Hollywood!

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