When the Boston Film World is Dry Start Auditioning for Commercials / Industrials.

Not that it shouldn't be happening all the time. Some people mention to me they want to do film and that's it. My response is "you do everything because you do not know where anything can lead you." So with that being said make sure you have your headshots at every tv studio / casting director that deals with commercials. Because it's not only a quick and good gig, there is good money behind it also, I don't care if you union or not the money is great!


Anonymous said…
who beside Maura Tighe and Boston Casting does local commercials - I find it hard to get into that
each tv station has a casting dept.
Anonymous said…
like WCVB,WBZ etc.? so how does one find out which dept to send over resume to? thanks
Anonymous said…
No, the TV stations DO NOT have catsing departments.
Anonymous said…
so then where to go? i amm always hearing of fellow actors doing tons of local commercials - where are these oppotunities?
Anonymous said…
Sign up with Boston Casting, LDI Casting, CP Casting and Maura Tighe casting.

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