Not Looking Good For Studios According To State Rep.

There is an article that was put in the Boston Herald from a state rep that just doesn't paint a great picture for future studios.. I just got the memo this morning and I will get that link of that article from the herald so you guys can read it. After reading made me sick. So with that being said if anyone else has a link to this current article please post it. In the mean time I will try to locate it again myself. That goes to tell ya when it comes to politics..when something sounds too good it probably is.


Anonymous said…
Is this the one?

Sounds like its going to be extremely costly to have the studios and they maybe arent optimistic about even building them.
I believe so.. how can we act on this??
Anonymous said…
Well, the article is basically saying why should the state offer tax incentives just to pay lavish salaries to movie stars and other movie people. I also question that, but at the same time I am looking at how it will benefit the state with jobs and work for others like restaurants etc.
Anonymous said…
I really don't understand the state sometimes. It seems like things have to fall apart and come to the brink of not being done before anything happens...or things don't happen at all. The Fleetcenter took about 10 years to finally get done and the Patriots basically left the state before a new stadium was approved. Now we're looking at another good thing that may end up being tossed aside.
The tax incentives are very appealing and it's common sense that if they didn't exist, some of these films would not be made here. If they aren't made here, that zero tax dollars coming to the state along with zero revenue for local businesses and local employment. It benefits hotels, restaurants, production crew who reside here, as well as other businesses that benefit such as businesses they shop for set dressings. Take away the tax incentives and it virtualy wipes all of that money out.
Having the studios here gives them a commitment to working here and would generate a great deal of consistant jobs. One could look at it paying for stars' salaries but it benefits a lot more people than that part of it. I think it's those local people, us included, who make it worth happening.
Anonymous said…
Bruce Willis et al will get their money if it is here or somewhere else.I was able to do extra work on six films this year and the cash realy helped me out in a hard time.(and made paying my union dues less painful!)
Anonymous said…
I have also worked as an extra on several films this year. In fact, I've had to turn down work because I could not be on two sets at the same time. Now my phone isn't ringing.

But seriously, the money I got helped a great deal. I was even able to eat out with my family a few times.
Anonymous said…
You actors are all on your high horses, I hope movies never come back and you all have to work Mcdonalds jobs. That way the state will have stable consistant taxes coming out of your paychecks. And you'll be putting smiles on little kid's faces. You can be proud of yourselves!
Anonymous said…
anonymous of 8:52am, most actors don't work at McDonald's. Some are lawyers, doctors, nurses, teachers, executives etc. There are some actors on high horses but most are real and know reality.
Anonymous said…
I am offended by anonymous 8:52 am - what do you do for a living? and how do you know of this site?
I have my masters degree and a pretty professional job - I act as well because I love it. Maybe you are jealous that you are not doing something with your life that you get more pleasure out of.
Anonymous said…
Wow that July 2nd anonymous comment was totally ignorant. It's such an unoriginal lame remark to use a fast food job as an attempt to belittle someone. The fact is a lot of the people here and elsewhere act and do background work on the side of full time jobs. I do that myself. It's a little extra cash that helps and some use to do little extra things. It's hardly a full time source of income for most and it's ignorant to think that that's all one does. Those who do it full time, all the power to them.
Common sense says that the extra money earned equals more taxes paid. Common sense says that the production companies coming to the state to film creates jobs that also add taxes as well as those companies bringing tax dollars to the state. If a tax break is 50% and they wouldn't come here without the tax break, that's still money coming in that would be 0 otherwise. You're just coming across as bitter, ignorant and uneducated.

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