The End Of Movie Set Cliques...
I was on a set just recently and was talking to another actor. He was telling about a time where there actually a movie set clique here in Boston (mind you we are talking about "extras") where they bullied their way on set. Now after describeing them to me, I remembered who they were. They acted as if they were the cats meow "extra moviestars" if you will. So in other words if you were working on a set and had some camera time, one of these guys would talk with someone and suddenly you were swaped with them. (But they were waaayyyyy in the back not seen) How does that happen? Well at a time it did, but I haven't seen them recently so maybe someone spoke up. Look we are all there to work, and it is really the luck of the draw as to where you are placed on the set. Some days we are lucky and some days we are not, but that's how the business is. But the last thing we need is on set politicking via "extras", I think that's a little abusrd. So if you see something like that going on and others notice it also. The best thing is report it.