Bruce willis will be filming a movie in town called "The Surogates" sometime this spring or summer. The plot description given by IMDB: Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop (Willis) is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others’ surrogates. sounds pretty cool just wondering how they would make a science fiction here in Boston makes me scratch my head. But now with CGI anything is possible. Hey, if they can make Pink Panther 2 that the majority of the film was filmed here in Boston look like Paris, I am sure it will be no problem. Can't wait for the call on that!!


Anonymous said…
Hey, I'm the Assistant Director that made that statement. I'm not trying to deny anyone their place in the sun, all I'm saying is let the credited cast go first, then featured extras next. There are people like Kirk, Don, Dave, Floyd, the chase guys and others that I feel deserve ( and the director and producers agree) listed credit in the film and I'm working on that.

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