Inches away from being Mark Ruffalo's Stand In

And I mean that in actuallity, I was called to be Mark Ruffalo's stand in in the Scorsese film "Ashcliffe" based on the book Shutter Island. I was called in where I was competeing for the job with two other guys. After 8 hours all three of us were called in where we were in a room surrounded by people and a very nice Mark Ruffalo and Martin Scorsese. Mark wished us luck and we all stood in a straight line next to Mark and were photographed. I stood on Mark's left side and right there I knew I had lost the job because I could see I was shorter by two inches. Anyhow they thanked us for being flexible and one of the guys that I was competeing with won the job. Nice guy, I wished him luck and headed home. All in all it was a honor to be in a room with Scorsese and got to meet a person such a Mark Ruffalo. Everyone all around were such A+ people, but who knows I might get called for something else. Sometimes you just have to fit the suit.


How do you get considered for a stand-in?
Anonymous said…
Who was the one who got the job? I was on set of Hachiko the other day with a guy who was up for the stand in role, was curious if it was him or not.
Anonymous said…
Bummber you didnt get it, buy good for you getting that far!! Wow, so close...
Anonymous said…
A lot of times stand-in work goes to someone in Union. But there are times where a general notices goes out looking for someone who fits. You have to be specifically what they're looking for so there's little to compromise. Another thing that can happen to is you may be on set as an extra one day and they notice your proportions and want to use you as a stand-in. That happened to me on a tv pilot.

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