Do Not Get SCAMED By These So Called Entertainment Agencies!

Once in a while you drive in your car and you hear an ad saying "Only this Saturday a well respected entertainment agency will be holding auditions for major films and tv shows." So now what happens a bunch of hopefulls jam this hotel function hall where this agency is to hold these "auditions". Truth is they are there for your money. What they will say is something on the lines of this "your good but you should be taking these types of classes we offer and take these types of professional photos we offer. Because you have a Brad Pitt or Sandra Bullock type of talent." So what happens the individuals hear those movie stars names and the next thing they know they are reaching for their credit card. STOP!!!!!! IT'S A SCAM!!!! They use those names as bait to sucker you into take their 6 week basic acting class for $1400 and their "photo shoot" for another $2,000 +! What is the end result....nothing, you still have to battle for roles just like anyone else. It feels at times I want to throw water on these people to wake them up, before they add to their debt. What makes me the expert? Well back in 1989 I got into one of these agncies maybe some of you old timers might remember FACES INTERNATIONAL and paid those riduculas prices. The nightmare began when that agency was on Dateline 3 weeks after I paid them close to $4,000. What Dateline did is EXPOSE their scam to the nation, strangely enough the next day their offices in Park Plaza in Boston were empty. I was disgusted as were many other people , but live and learn. The sad thing is that there are few of these type of agancies still out there preying on the young dreamers. SO KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AND WATCH OUT!


Anonymous said…
i got tricked into ProScout when i was younger. such a waste of money, however i did get some great photographs out of it. hah.

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