Stand-In Work Is A Pretty Good Thing...

I just recieved an e-mail asking me what I thought about stand-in work? I think it's a great thing for several reasons. First you will be working multiple days, maybe the whole shoot (which means great money!) Second you might get a line. I have seen this happen on a couple of sets. If the stand in is doing the whole shoot the director gets used to him or her and then sometime gives them a line just for "filler" in the scene. Lastly and this is if you are lucky, you get to know the actor you are standing in for a little bit more. This all depends on who the actor is and how long you will be standing in for him / her for. The longer you work the better the chance. Now some people saying you won't be seen in the movie. This is true but bottom line is we are working and the longer the duration of work we get the better. If you have some stand-in work stories and you would like to share please do:) Have a nice weekend!


Anonymous said…
I'd say if you get the chance to do stand-in work, definately do it. You don't get those opportunites everyday since your stats have to be pretty specific. I had the privilege of being a stand-in for a tv pilot and a body double for an actor in a photo shoot (which is a little different I know). Stand-in work allows you to usually get closer what's going on, and you tend to see and hear more. While the extras go to holding and may be waiting there for hours, stand-ins may be needed more than that. So you're having the luck of working more sometimes too. I found you can be treated a little bit better as well. Extras aren't treated bad from my experience but you notice the level of treatment when you can compare the two jobs. It's just that much nicer.

About the arguement of not being shouldn't expect to be seen if you're an extra anyways. Chances are you won't be. And those opportunities will come up a lot more than stand-in work will. So I wouldn't pass on it for that reason.

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