My 10 Best Actors On A Boston Movie Set

Actors are people and so are Superstars, but almost being in this industry for nearly 20 years. I have seen actors that are now has-beens and at time total egotists to people that were major movie stars that were unbelievably nice to everyone. So here is my to 10 thus far:
1 Ben Affleck
2. Cameron Diaz
3. Dustin Hoffman
3. Kate Hudson
4. Forrest Whittker
5. Matt Damon
6. John Travolta
7. Jeff Bridges
8. Dane Cook
9. William H. Macy
10 Keith Carradine


Anonymous said…
Who is "Jake Gylenthal"?
Who is "Forrest Whittker"?
Who is "Ben Afflek"?

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