The Studios...Why so silent?

Lately we really have not heard anything about the to studios in Weymouth and Plymouth. I know Plymouth was approved, but what about Weymouth? Is it me or has everything gone silent, it's really funny to compare a year ago and now. It's like night and day. Any info that any of you like to share about this subject?


Anonymous said…
I might speculate it is because of the Screen Actor's Guild and the contract dispute. I don't think the studios want to green light too many projects and have everything get mucked up if they decide to strike. I also believe it's psychological game playing on the part of the studios. As a non-union worker, I feel this is being done to force SAG into a contract. After all, if there is no work for the members of the Guild they will face a backlash to get the dispute resolved. I miss having productions to choose from as well.
Anonymous said…
It has nothing to do with the SAG negotiations. Movie productions will go on regardless of SAG contract terms. There were tax laws associated with the Weymouth studio which were not good -- apparently this plan has died a silent death.
Anonymous said…
It makes me so sad what is happening, The tax law was changed and movies flooded into Boston at least three were set in New York and one in Virginia. Now New York had a better tax break so why not change it again? You can not tell me it is not good for our local economy. Hollywood will always have money!
Anonymous said…
the studio in plymouth is supposed to start construction in the
Anonymous said…
any update?

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