Has Agency Pro Taken Out The FREE Option?

I don't know about you guys but has anyone out there been recieveing e-mails looking for availabilty from Boston Casting and they are telling you to log on to your Agency pro account just to see nothing?! Now I have not paid for this service but I do know one thing, even with a free account like many of us have out there you could see the calander and open events. So my question is did they take out the free option? What happened to just calling us and finding out?


Anonymous said…
That wouldn't suprise me. Eventually people are gonna wise up and stop paying. Could be a last ditch effort to suck people in. Whatever the case maybe, agency pro will eventually go south because it doesn't work.
Anonymous said…
I have no idea what you are talking about. I do not pay. I just opened the calendar. I had signed up for Edge work on Saturday with it. NO they have NOT taken away any free option!
Anonymous said…
I've ran into problems in the past where things didn't show up in the calendar while they did for others. It seems to be a technical issue. My issue happened specifically with Mall Cop. I went to make myself available and the dates didn't show up. I talked to others and they could see them. I contacted Agency Pro support directly and they got them to show up. It's bad because you may not see things that you could do and time is a factor but the free option is still there. It's a techincal issue that seems to need fixing.

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