Do Not Pay For Movie Information!!!

I just got word by one of my readers that there are sites out there that are chargeing people to recieve casting information. THAT IS A SCAM FOLKS! Most of us know that already, but there are some from what I understand are paying crazy money to get basic info that they can get anywhere. So if you know anyone that is about to do this stop them and guide them to plenty of free sites that offer the same thing. Many Thanks Michelle :)


Anonymous said…
Hey, give us the scoop on DeNiro fleeing Edge of Darkness.
Anonymous said…
I'll take some hints at the free sites - new to this :) Also, is it worth paying for and agency pro profile page?
Anonymous said…
Don't pay for Agency pro use the FREE part! I know lots of folks who have paid and got nothng more than what the free people get. Then again AP needs to pay the rent.

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