My Best Friends Girl My Review..

So today I decided to check out My Best Friends Girl that filmed here last year. First of all awesome job NE actors you should be proud of yourselves GREAT JOB :) But as far as the movie's definately a renter, hate to say it but it wasn't that great. The most of my entertainingis to see if I can locate fellow actors that I know and there were many. CONGRATS! So hopefully the next few films coming down the pike won't be as dissapointing: Mall Cop Pink Panther 2 in Feb and Truth and The Box in March


Anonymous said…
I felt the same way when I saw the movie. What a waste of two good actors. Dane cook should seriously think about doing other characters. Same acting in all of his films. At least Kate Hudson has a variety.
Anonymous said…
You forgot about "The Lonely Maiden," isn't that coming out Oct. 16th?
Anonymous said…
Yea, it was ok but not great. Nothing to brag, hey! that was made in Boston about. Atleast a few locals got speaking parts and pretty much everyone made money. On to the next one!
Anonymous said…
Mall Cop and Pink Panther are going to be JUST as disappointing!

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