Keep your political views home..

I was working on E.O.D just recently and here we are in holding for a few hours as usual and here we have someone preaching about which canadate we should choose. Now we all know which one we want to choose and that is our personal opinion, but do not tell us who to vote for. At one point one person yelled from across the room and told this guy to "end it" because this is "not the place for that", I totally agree. Keep that outside, we are here to work and have fun and no one needs that.


Anonymous said…
FOR REAL. nothing is as annoying when someone gets on their soapbox. It makes me cringe when people argue politics in a public setting like that.
Anonymous said…
Do you work on EOD?, how can one do that?
Anonymous said…
Talking about religion and politics can be an intellectually and fun topic, as long as you don't try to impose your view.
So, I disagree. Although there are some pretty strange people at these sets who take everything too serious.

-Caveman #6
....still looking for work.
Anonymous said…
This is exactly why I like to bring a book and sit in a corner....I do have some "friends" that I have met while "holding", but I have overheard some mighty funky conversations!!

People probably think I am a snob or something, but I have met my share of nut cases on set...
Anonymous said…
i always find it fun to people watch while in realy can read peoples body language and such. Especialy when guys are trying to hit on the girls, and they start "posing" while funny!
Anonymous said…
I try not to laugh out loud at the "posers"....They are usually the same that speak very loudly about "what they have done"....It can be pretty comical!!
Anonymous said…
Speaking of political views, I hear Allan Rosenberg National Director of SAG was voted out this term. He got beat by Amy Brennan from the show Judge Amy. Poor Allan, I really think he had good intentions. But people want there cake now, not later.
Anonymous said…
Well on the set you have all types. You have the braggers, the quiet ones, the annoyers, the star struck etc. No need to listen to anyone if you don't want to.
Anonymous said…
For anyone that was in the "Caveman" scene for "This Side of the Truth", that part was cut from the film. Sorry
Anonymous said…
Nick Cage Filming in Westford!!
Who is casting??!!
Anonymous said…
Nicholas Cage isn't filming in Westford. He isn't even in Massachusetts. His movie Knowing already wrapped up. They are just filming certain spots in Westford and MIT for a scene, no actors/extras needed. Its in the Lowell Sun...
Anonymous said…
o, well it's still something being filmed in MA!
Anonymous said…
Over on there is one guy called Michael Reed who blasts anyone who does extra work as trash. He says that he is only good enough to do principal work(in indies).

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