Boston Casting Looking For Some Good People For "The Knowing"

Hello folks it came to my attention that Boston casting is looking for some people to play I believe MIT BG students for the movie the knowing. It is a Nic Cage film but Nic Cage will not be in town because from what I have heard this movie has already wrapped, and these are just addtional scenes. Good luck :)


Anonymous said…
they are filming the scene today
Anonymous said…
haha ! who said they were only filming location shots?!

- and I found out those caveman scenes are staying!
Anonymous said…
are you sure those caveman scenes are staying because that is the films opening
Anonymous said…
I actualy got to work the scene shot at MIT as a student and saw one of our fellow waiters working as a photo double for Ben Mendelsohn:)
it was very quik easy day!
I also just watched the trailor for the movie..

it looks like a great movie, I cant wait to see it!
Anonymous said…
That's really cool Jen :)

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