Tell Tale a really nice experience.

I had just worked on Tell Tale just recently and I must say that it was a pleasent set to work on. Brian Cox and Josh Lucas must go on my friendly actor list really professional and nice people all together. I just want to mention that because there are many sets people hate and some that people love, so this in my opinion was one of the better ones. If you also had pleasent experience on this project please let us know.


Anonymous said…
The crew was really nice on the set of Hachiko (filmed in RI). The scene I was working on had a lot of extras that were local college students that had no prior experience on a set and I think the crew was very patient and nice to everyone. Richard Gere was pretty friendly too, even though most of the time he was busy, we would joke around a bit between takes.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the info on Tell Tale, I was kind of afraid to submit for it, but maybe if something else comes up I will....
Anonymous said…
Who casted for this film?

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