When it comes to headshots Get Protected!
If that time has once again come up and you want to freshen up your headshot, go for it. There are many cool photographers out there and they take amazing photos, BUT do your home work PLLLEEEAAASSSEE! The reason why I say that is you should really compare and contrast each of your favorite photographers and see their feedback, their quality and their price. Most importantly make sure you own the photo(s) when it's over. Do not sign anything that gives the photographer the right to own your photos..or it will bite you right in the butt, I swear. You should have free reign as to what you do with your photo(s) where you want to reproduce them, etc. Because if you do give the photographer ownership he will be the only one to reproduce them , etc. Now I am sure some of you are saying....DUH! that is obvious! Well to some of you yes but for many others they always get bit by this especially newcomers, so keep your eyes out. Like I always say if it doesn't smell good...don't eat it.