I tip my hat to the "Truth".

Today I had the experience to work on the new Ricky Gervais "This side of the TRUTH" in Andover. It was a short and nice shooting day under a nice warm sun. What was cool was that I got to meet some of the readers of this blog and was flattered to hear the positive responses. I just want to say a huge thank you that you continue to enjoy this blog. My mission with it, is to infrom you, answer any questions I can possibly help you with, and talk about the goings on in the world of Hollywood East. So I tip my hat to you guys, I wish you all the best of luck and I will see you soon.


Anonymous said…
Andover and North Andover are two different towns!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey, I found it! This time when I searched on Google for your site, it was #2 on the search results. It was a great day in N. Andover Monday. It was nice to meet you. I will definitely be stopping by often for more updates!

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