Going to work on a film and not being used.

This type of thing happens sometimes on film sets, but it is Not the casting directors fault. As a matter of fact it is no ones, it just how things happen. Remember in the extra world it's a numbers game. The director asks the casting director for 45 extras tommorrow 20 men 20 women and 5 children, so the casting director has to deliver. Once the people have been confirmed it's up to the director himself as to how and who he is going to use. Maybe all will be used and maybe few will. I know it is aggravating it's happened to me also, BUT do yourself the favor and DO NOT complain to the casting director! Again the Casting Director did their job and delivered the goods. Bottom line and a rule I always follow for many years and that is don't complain because if you do you might see that your phone won't be ringing.


Anonymous said…
If they don't use you, you still get paid. Also, it gives you the chance to go back to the set another day.
That right, so really there should be no problem. If you were working for free well...that's a problem.

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