Mel Gibson Starts Filming In Mass This Summer!
Production begins in August on the thriller, “Edge of Darkness,” written by William Monahan, the North Shore writer who won an Oscar for his “The Departed” screenplay, Variety reported yesterday. This will be Mel Gibson's first film since "What Women Want" it has been a long time for Mel but his return to acting is starting back here in Boston!
So chalk another picture here in Massachusetts! Keep the jobs coming!
Production begins in August on the thriller, “Edge of Darkness,” written by William Monahan, the North Shore writer who won an Oscar for his “The Departed” screenplay, Variety reported yesterday. This will be Mel Gibson's first film since "What Women Want" it has been a long time for Mel but his return to acting is starting back here in Boston!
So chalk another picture here in Massachusetts! Keep the jobs coming!