To join SAG or not to join SAG.

I have been a proud member of SAG for 20 years now and I happen to love it. People ask me if they should be SAG because they are "a must join". My answer to that is if you want to do a few Non-Union projects for the experience then don't join as of yet, because you will not be allowed to if you are SAG. If you want to join SAG, know that it is a good thing the pay is better and the opportunities get a little better too, you just have to work at it. But please, please, please do not risk your SAG membership by doing NON-UNION work you will be found out. If anyone has opinion on this especially SAG members voice your opinion.

As always if you have any questions or comments you can email me at


Anonymous said…
More important than being in SAG is being in with the casting directors. I am SAG and have not had one audition for pricipal work this year(I am doing extra work on one)So realy think if it is worth it to you.
Anonymous said…
I just joined SAG and am curious how it will play out...if it's worth it. I have a feeling there's a lot of truth in the previous post.
Anonymous said…
Forget SAG!!!This is not New York or LA where the film companies abide by Union contracts, here you are at the mercy of CPcasting!! They have had all the casting for principal work, It does not matter if you are SAG or not, it matters if you are CP or not.
Anonymous said…
My daughter is a "Must Join" but we don't know if we should make the move to SAG. She LOVES doing work on movies but sometimes I feel bad for all the hard work she does and then she gets a $75 check at the end of the day (approx.). People have said she would get more if she was SAG (great for the college fund :))but she is young, she's only 9. I was told her time to join SAG will never expire so even if she decides when she's 20 she really does want to do acting...then she still will have that time alicated. What other benifits besides pay would a 9 year old benifit from joining SAG? Thank you for any help/opinion.
Anonymous said…
How do you get CP Casting to consider you to audition for Principal Work without taking a class there. They definitely favor people who take their classes!
Anonymous said…
There is a re-call for Ashecliffe on wednesday, out of fifty actors only three are SAG, what does this tell you?
Anonymous said…
^ Do you mean re-call or Callbacks? If there are only 3 SAG, yeah it says a lot! Don't join!

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