21 My views on this film.

I just watched the movie 21 last night based on the book "bringing down the house". I went to see it for two reasons being that it was filmed in Boston and I worked on it and second that I had read the book. The good news Boston was shot fantastic and big props to that and the Boston actors that were used in the film GREAT JOB! Also the movie was entertaining but it draaaagggged. The Bad news if you read the book it was a big disappointment, other than the concept and a few scenes here in there, the book was much, much different than the film. The book was ten times more entertaining and suspenseful and I wished they filmed a big chunk of that story not the story they put on that screen. Of course this is my opinion but I would say unless you want to see it because you worked on it or because of the Boston scenes...wait for the dvd.


Anonymous said…
I went to the Boston premiere a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was ok, again, I was an extra in it (nope, didnt see myself), Great shots of Boston. I also read the book. Hardly the same story, guess that's why they keep stressing the "loosely" based on Bringing Down the House...But it made me want to head down to Foxwoods to play some Blackjack!!

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