Ricky Gervais To Film in Lowell!

Ricky Gervis of "Extras" and "The Office U.K.) Fame is set to direct the film "This Side of the Truth" in Lowell Mass this Spring. In the cast are Jennifer Garner, Rob Lowe, Ricky Gervais. No casting agent has been booked yet, but we will let you know when that becomes official. Jot down another film for Mass!!!


Anonymous said…
Sweet...thanks for the blog site, it helps keep me "in the know" for the goings on in beanywood!!
Anonymous said…
I'm just curious why you deleted the post about asking extras to stop bragging about the work they have done? I posted a comment about your hippocricy and you deleted the post, why? I guess you have no response and you agree with my observations? Or everyone has to agree with your view?
Anonymous said…
Yeah, why was the post about extras deleted?

On 'This Side of the Truth' CP Casting has been auditioning people for speaking roles these past two weeks.
Anonymous said…
Most importantly, why does the criticism of hippos persist?!

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