
Showing posts from July, 2009

A Recent Article Not Really Nice To Extras..

Ok. So here is the story Wicked Local an online news site for New England visted the set of Furry Vengeance last week. The reporter worked as an extra for a day and wrote his thoughts about it, now a lot of people that read it really go offended. But to be honest being in this business for almost 20 years and a lot of people that have worked on these sets for a long time would probably agree to most of the article. Look I know to some of you it might have offend you because it's how you make a living but if you read this and say that the article is not at least 50% true, then you have not been in this business for too long.. Many will say that background extras are the living aspect of the scene and I COMPLETELY agree. But to some of the higher ups on these sets (not all) we are nothing but filler. I have seen some crew members in my past 20 years treat background like crap, and no one deserves that. On the other hand there have been sets that all the crew has been FANTASTIC a...

My thoughts about traveling from state to state for extra jobs..

I just got this email today asking me what my thoughts were about traveling from MA to NYC for extras jobs... My answer was unless it's a speaking's not worth it. If you have a bit part, going for an audtion, or have an actual paying all means go. Unless you have a place to stay it's not worth it to travel 3.5 hours to work as an extra for an avg of $120 to $300 depending on how the day goes. Because lets say you went to NYC worked as an extra and only worked 8 hrs..(it happens) and then drive back to MA or NH (buying gas,eating, coffee, etc.) what did you profit in the end. Bottom line stay in MA there is plenty of work to go around either way of the spectrum (non-union / union).


Hope all is well in N.E. movieland! The subject on today's blog is about Rule 1, what is Rule 1 you may ask.. If you are Union (SAG/AFTRA) this is one of the first things that they tell you about..Rule 1 means you can not work on a non-union project. Now I know through the years people have done it..sure I get it.. But lately it has been abused to the highest level, and on top of it some Union members are makeing it known. Now for those people that is a HUGE mistake...why? Because you will tick some Union people off that are by the book and you will be reported, so watch out. For those people that are thinking about becoming union I say to them do a lot of non-union jobs to get the experience, the feel of the set, make a good demo reel,etc. before you sign on to become union. Once you do sign on ,there is no turning back. SAG within the last 12 months has been doing as massive crackdown on this abuse in LA and NY and I am sure it will hit here sooner than later. So honor th...


So here we are July 8th 2009 and it feels like September...what is going on?!? It will feel like summer soon I promise :) Well the great news is that we are all busy once again and it's great to see many familar faces on set! It's as if we were on a very long hiatus and it suddenly became 2006-2007 again! We got Furry Vegence, The Town, Grown Ups, The more down the pike..does this look familiar? Remember I don't care if you are union or non union you have to show up for these calls and if you can't send in your headshot..don't be too good for background! The more we show Hollywood how united we are it's always another incentive to come here. Background people are needed and are a very important piece of the puzzle. Think about it if it wasn't for background each picture even classics would be dry as bread. So it's nice seeing you all and talking movies and plus thank you for the nice comments and emails about the blog and podcast.