Massachusetts Film Office losing money from potential strike!

A couple of days ago the head of the Ma Film Comission has indicated that the state is losing money from the potential SAG strike that is either happening or going to happen. He also stated that there are 5 films slated between May and August and possibly 12 ready to go when they get word. He also mentioned that there are plenty of scouting going on right now for these potential films. This obviously doesn't sound good (the losing money part) and is slowly killing work for everyone behind and in front of the camera. Let's hope that this strike if it happens is quick..


Anonymous said…
I continue to hear about the studios which are in development, which seem tio be moving forward here in Mass. I would like to persue a career in acting/working behind the scenes as a crew member, be it director, writer or something else. Does anyone know how one goes about getting a job at one of the studios, or behind the scenes? Im looking to go to college for classes which might help me get in the door but I cant seem to find info as to what classes to take or where to go. Also wondering if a job in a studio necessarily means working on the show or movie filming, or if your only involved outside of it.
Anonymous said…
dude its about connections, not much else, so get out and connect!

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